Advocacy in the Watershed: Simple Ways You Can Affect Real, Positive Change for Our Clean Water Sources Participants will be able to learn about the Honey Hollow and Delaware River Watersheds and how watershed health is important for people, birds, and other wildlife!...
Join BCAS and other environmental professionals to learn more about our environment and what personal actions we can do to help make the world a better place! This month’s topic is “Saving Our Birds: What’s Killing Our Birds and What You Can Do About...
Are you passionate about saving the environment and want to do something more to advocate for it? Learn about advocacy (on a federal AND personal level) regarding different environmental topics (such as climate change, wildlife conservation, habitat protection,...
Join BCAS and other environmental professionals for a panel discussion about the current state of our environment and what personal actions we can do to help make the world a better place! We will be meeting in Room 104 of the Life Science Building. This free event...
Ever wanted to write a letter to your congressman, but couldn’t think of what to say? BCAS is offering an Action Night where you can learn how to write an advocacy letter! We will write some together and send them on their way. This is a free event. Please bring a...