School Holiday Camp 2024-2025

Is your child bored at home on a day off from school? Why don’t you bring them here to Bucks Audubon for our amazing nature themed school holiday camps!

We get it; it’s hard when your child has off of school when you don’t! That’s why we created these “School Holiday Camps”. Drop off your child at 9am and pick them back up at 3pm after a fun-filled day of nature exploration and discovery!

Each day features unique games, hikes, science experiments, and crafts that all tie into the day’s theme.

Snack will be provided.  Please send a lunch with your child as well as a change of clothes including shoes as they will be engaging with nature, and we will be outside throughout the day.

To register, visit –

2024-2025 School Holiday Camp Sessions

September 2- Creek Critters – CANCELLED

Explore the creek and learn about the many critters that inhabit it. Bring water shoes for a fun filled creek critter play time!

October 3 – Reptiles and Amphibians 

Join us to learn about reptiles, amphibians, and what makes them so cool! We will go on a search for native herps in their specialized habitats. Meet our very own reptiles and amphibians living here in our nature center! 

October 4 – Bats

Let’s learn about the world’s only flying mammals, bats! These nocturnal creatures have tons of amazing adaptations to learn about, like modified hand bones and echolocation!

October 14 – Bugs CANCELLED

Did you know insects live in every type of habitat? Join us and discover the thousands of insects that call the Honey Hollow home! Explore habitats to see what types of insects are crawling, flying and swimming around BCAS’s property. 

November 1 – Skulls and Tracks  

Come take a hike with us and discover the animals that live in Honey Hollow based on the tracks they leave behind. Learn about skulls and compare some of the real-life artifacts we have in the BCAS nature center. 

 November 5 – Mushrooms  

Discover the amazing world of mushrooms and why they are incredible organisms! Join us for an educational mushroom identification hike to learn about the brilliant fungi beneath our feet!  

November 11 – Turkeys  – CANCELLLED

Join us to learn about the wild turkey! Make turkey calls and take a hike to search for some signs and tracks of wild turkeys that are living here at Honey Hollow!  

November 27 – Woodland Creatures  

Join us for a fun filled day all about woodland creatures! Discover the wonderful creatures that dwell in the woodlands of Honey Hollow. We will also learn about the art of building fairy houses up in our fairy hollow! 

January 20 – Junior Naturalists  CANCELLED

Learn how to be a great voice for our planet! Create your own field journal to document your discoveries along the way in this day of exploration. 

 January 30 – Nocturnal Wildlife  CANCELLED

Engage all of your senses to explore the special adaptations of nocturnal animals. Learn about why some animals are active at night and how their specialized senses enable them to survive in the dark!  

February 14 – Nature Art  

Ways to make art are all around us! Bring out your creativity and explore beautiful ways to show nature’s beauty!  

April 17 – Signs of Spring  

As the seasons change, so does life here at BCAS! Join us as we explore all of the spring species waking up from their winter nap!  

April 18 – Flowers and Plants  

Springtime is a time to smell the roses! Joins us to discover all the plants that inhabit here in Honey Hollow. We will also learn to identify the invasive species thriving in Pennsylvania.  

April 21 – Feathered Friends 

Many birds call Bucks Audubon their home! Learn about their habitats and behaviors, how to spot them, and why they are so important to our natural world! Join us to participate in fun activities such as bird watching, educational games, and a bird themed craft.  

May 20 – Wetlands and Watersheds 

Honey Hollow is a very old watershed. Learn about what makes watersheds important, the many kinds of plants and animals that live in them and explore the wetlands within them! 

Program Details
Ages:  6-12
Time:  9:00am -3:00pm
Members:  $65/day
Non-Members: $75/day

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