In the weeks to come, several of the outstanding biologists and naturalists who are assisting Honey Hollow with the biological inventory of its flora and fauna will be leading free nature walks on the property. Here are the first two. Keep checking the calendar for those that will follow!
June 4th , 1pm (rain date 5th)
Bug Hunt with Chris Alice Kratzer
Curious about what lies underfoot? Want to experience familiar trails through the eyes of a seasoned entomologist? This is your chance! Join local insect expert Chris Alice Kratzer as she serves as your guide to the hidden world of insects at Honey Hollow.
There is no cost for this walk but we ask that you register for the walk! Register here!

Are these two creatures the same species ……. or not? What’s going on here?
June 11th, 10 – 11:30 (rain date 12th)
Nature Close Up with Doug Wechsler
Doug Wechsler, a superb general naturalist, will take participants on a search for some of the wonderful, weird and wild little things that are so often overlooked in the forest and field. He’ll also provide some tips for photographing the reptiles, amphibians, insects and other wildlife encountered.
There is no cost for this walk but we ask that you register for the walk! Register here!