Summer Camp 2025-Nature Exploration



Times:  Half Day only – 9am-12pm. 

Ages:  4-6 years old 

Fee: $210/week for Members and $240/week for Non-Members. 

To purchase multiple weeks, select Membership Type, Camp Week, and Add to Cart. Do this for each week desired.

If you’re paying by check, submit payment within 30 days of the sale to secure your spot in camp.

  • Please enter the first and last name of the child or children who will be attending the session.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    How old is your child?
  • Please add any additional information we may need!
  • $0.00

  • Total

SKU: N/A Category:

Summer is the perfect time to get children outside to discover the world around them. Bucks County Audubon Society offers two summer campsNature Exploration Camp for ages 4-6, and Summer Adventure Camp for ages 6-12. Each week features new opportunities for nature exploration, physical activity, science learning, and quiet times to connect with the natural world.

Program Details 

Nature Exploration Camp 

Times:  Half Day Only – 9am-12pm. 

Ages:  4-6 years old 

Fee:  $210/week for Members and $240/week for Non-Members

Register for the Summer Adventure camp.

Additional information


Member, Non-Member

Camp Week

June 16-20, June 23-27, July 14-18, July 21-25, July 28-8/1, August 4-8, August 11-15, August 18-22, August 25-29

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